Welcome to my Blog!

Hello, friends & family! Thank you for checking out my Blog. This is a new adventure for me, and I trust it will be a useful tool as I express my thoughts about various topics in life, show you what God’s Word has to say to us, and display my ‘little corner of the world’ through photos.

My Blog is entitled H.O.P.E. - a wonderful ‘focus’ word to hold on to, and definitely something we all need. I made it an acrostic to explain how I wish for this Blog to be received: Honest, Optimistic, Practical, and Encouraging.

My intention is to write and publish a few times a month (maybe more), and I ‘hope’ you’ll join me for the journey. “Welcome Aboard!” Here’s to the first issue of H.O.P.E.


“Crazy Year We’re Having…”