“Crazy Year We’re Having…”

It is unfortunate that I feel the first topic in my new Blog should be about how we are getting through the crazy year we’ve been having!  The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has swept our world has left people fearful, confused, frustrated and angry. Our daily lives have been turned inside out, upside down, and every which way from normal, and we are left treading water in the wake of uncertainty and the reality of death from this virus.

As a result, we’ve had to face change. Many people have made some very big and unforeseen adjustments in their day-to-day schedules. Others have lost much of what they depended on to live. While change can be difficult and unwelcome in many instances, there is one thing we can be sure of that doesn’t change - in fact, one Person who is the same yesterday, today and forever - that is God (Yahweh: LORD, Jehovah).  This pandemic has not taken Him by surprise and He is still in control of His world. It is comforting to know we can turn to God no matter what is happening around us, and I hope you have a relationship with Him, so that in all this uncertainty you can find HOPE; hope for a future restored to “normal” and a peace presently amid the chaos.

I keep hearing people say how these are crazy, uncertain times, full of racism, skepticism and political unrest…which, actually, is nothing new!  Read Ecclesiastes 1:9. If we look back through history we see a very familiar thread of racism, skepticism, and political unrest - even pandemics, with high death tolls!  See? Nothing new.  In fact, Solomon wrote this verse thousands of years ago! We humans are caught in a never-ending cycle, spiraling downward, away from God and stuck in our sins.

** That’s the bad news **

The good news is that we can be redeemed from it all!  Now read 2 Chronicles 7:14.  This is a promise from God (Jehovah-Rapha: Healer) that He will hear, forgive and heal IF we, His people, will humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our sins… WE HAVE TO TAKE THE FIRST STEPS!  No, it isn’t easy, but it’s the only choice we have if we want to experience restoration.

I honestly don’t see the nation doing this as a whole, but it definitely needs to be done by the Church (those who are redeemed and following Christ), as we set the example and light the way. May God have mercy and help us to do just that.


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