My New Word

So, I found my word for 2021:   FOCUS!

I want this to be a year of re-focusing on what is important and what God wants me to do for Him. It is so easy to step off the path we intend to be on, as there are so many things coming at us all the time, vying for our attention and wasting our precious time.  However, I know it can be done; I’ve seen other people get so much accomplished, using the same 24 hours in a day that I have…so that is my goal.  To stay the course and accomplish much; to me, this is FOCUS.

One of the things I aim to do this year is read through the Bible, cover to cover.  I found a great little online App to help with this.  If you want to join me in this fruitful adventure, I would recommend first getting the Bible App. The logo is a little brown Bible with the words ‘Holy Bible’ on it. Once you are in that app, you can search for “The Bible in One Year 2021 with Nicky Gumbel.”  So far it has been an excellent 40 or so minutes a day, reading parts of the Old Testament, New Testament and then a Psalm and/or Proverb. Mr. Gumbel has put a lot of work into organizing the daily readings and presenting a little devotional to tie all the passages together into a daily “theme.”  I’m loving it!

Another goal I have this year is to be more intentional with reaching out to the different groups of people of which I am a part.  I teach a Sunday school small group for 6-7th grade girls, I facilitate an accountability group for this yearly Bible Reading, I am the ‘section leader’ for the 2nd Sopranos in my church choir, and I have co-workers that I’d like to bless and encourage throughout the year.  Not sure how I’ll fit it all in every week, but with God’s help and focus, it will be an exciting year!

Following are some Scripture verses I will cling to in correlation to my word Focus.

1. “I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”
Psalm 16:8
2. “Let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before you.” Proverbs 4:25

3. “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth.” Colossians 3:2

I would love to hear if any of you choose words each year and what your word for 2021 is and why. Just send me a message (via “Contact Me”), and I'‘ll be sure to respond, Thank you for your encouragement and support in reading H.O.P.E.


Got Quiet?


Hoping & Waiting